5 Run Australian Shepherds **** New Champion ****

Our human family consist of Robin and Al McNeill.  We currently live in Fort Walton Beach, Florida but we are in the process of trying to relocate to Andalusia, Alabama.  

If you need to contact me my email address is robindogstuff@yahoo.com We have owned Australian Shepherds for over 20 years.  We currently live with 4 males Max, Deion, Ace and Jordan.  We are active in ASCA and AKC and have competed in NADAC.  Currently we compete in Agility, Conformation, Obedience and dabble in herding.  Our dogs are MUCH better at herding than we are.  They have all the instinct, in the world but I just don't seem to have the same instinct that they do.  We are now trying tracking with Deion and Jordan.  Both boys did very well at their first clinic.  Both dogs should finish their TD; they really enjoyed tracking.

****** Deion finished his Championship Jan 30, 2010 show by Shannon Jackson to Janet Kelly for a 3 point major and BOS!!!  ******

He has several agility titles in addition to Rally and Stock.  He will be hitting the stock ring this year and look for him in the obedience ring.

Max and Deion are 1/2 brothers; they have the same sire.  Ace and Jordan are full brothers.